

Due to deforestation and other related problems, the domestic energy crisis in relation to the unsustainable dependency of biomass energy is becoming one of the serious environmental problems in Ethiopia. Therefore, sustainable production of biomass fuels (especially charcoal) is important for the rural and urban households for their own uses and for business opportunities in the rural livelihoods. Hence this study examined the importance of charcoal making in the rural livelihoods and its economic significance comparing with crop production. The study also investigates the drivers of shifting the crop-based economy to a charcoal-making household economy.


Energy from biofuel is one of attracting renewable energy sources to substitute fossil fuel. In Ethiopia there is the potential for rubber plantations; however, even though the yield and quality of the rubber seed oil are high, little attention has been given to its use as a source for biodiesel production.


 Developing world attempt various program and initiatives that enhance to work and disseminate improved cook stoves which have health, economic and environmental benefits. Therefore, understanding factors affecting adoption of improved cook stoves plays a key role.


Ethiopia’s energy consumption predominantly depends on traditional biomass. The objectives of this study were to produce fuel briquette from Mango seed and mango peel waste generated from Addis Ababa city as well as to evaluate the fuel quality of the briquettes produced.


The electric situation in Ethiopia is still very centralized to its capital city. Only 4.8% of the rural population had access to modern energy source. This shows that greater than 95% of the rural population in Ethiopian still live without electricity. This situation was also worsted in the research study area. The objective of this study was to evaluate solar and biogas utilization as household energy source in Yem special district. 

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National Measuring, Reporting and Verification Capacity Building Towards Climate Resilient Development in Ethiopia.

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