

Most of the population of Ethiopia, like that of other Sub-Saharan African countries, depends on traditional biomass for cooking and baking food. Most rural people in the country have no access to electricity and the price of fossil fuel is increasing in alarming rate. On the other hand there are large amounts of coffee husks in coffee growing areas which are left unused. In most cases, they are either left in the fields or burning in open air and this causes severe environmental problems.


As part of economic and environmental solution, cement industries massively involved on fuel and material substitution. Due to its economic and environmental performance, solid waste has been largely preferred for fuel and raw material substitution. But no cement facilities operated in Ethiopia still engaged on yet. To this effect, this research intended to find best possible strategy for solid waste fuel substitution in cement kiln: for case specific cement plant of National Cement Share Company (NCSC) and solid waste material (SWM) generated from Dire Dawa City Administration (DDCA).


Energy is an essential part of our daily life, often taken for granted by populations which enjoy the comforts of modern society. Despite the continually rising energy demands reported globally, however, millions of communities and households, mainly in developing countries, still lack access to basic energy services such as electricity, liquid fuels, and natural gas. Biogas technology use in Ethiopia has been relatively infant stage compared to other African countries.

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National Measuring, Reporting and Verification Capacity Building Towards Climate Resilient Development in Ethiopia.

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